MGIG Global
MGIG Global Research Institute (MGRI) is the research training, and consulting arm of MGIG Global Services. It is charged with the task of bridging the research gap that exists between theory and application and endowing individuals with research competencies. We at MGRI, help organisations to conduct studies in their most challenging areas through surveys, marketing research, data analysis, portfolio management, and training of employees. Furthermore, we assist government parastatals in solving challenging economic puzzles, through scientific enquiries and investigations, to enhance informed policy decisions and improve policy formulations.
We provide econometric training to firms and private individuals in need of such. For the econometric training, we use software such as:
7.MATLAB etc.
Research Training
MGRI organizes research training for private individuals on a consistent basis. Such exercise involves a step-by-step approach on how they can conduct research studies from beginning to the end. To this end, we train participants on how to...
In our quest to assist clients in making informed policy and business decisions, we train participants on research methodologies. Such methodologies cover time series and panel analysis. It also includes quantitative and qualitative studies, secondary data, field studies, and survey research.
...Research Training
1. Conceptualize a research problem
2.Write a background of the study
3.Write a statement of the problem
4.Identify gaps in the literature
5.Frame research questions properly
We offer advisory services to our research students and clients that are interested in writing a scientific report, motivational or personal statements, PhD thesis, MSc thesis, MBA thesis etc.
6.Structure appropriate research objectives
7.Write good research motivation and justification for a study
8.Select appropriate methodology for the research
9.Estimate various data (e.g. Time series data, Panel data) and appropriately discuss the findings of the result with economic intuitions
10.Link the result findings to appropriate policy and practical applications.
We conduct impact research writing for government and corporate firms in the areas like:
1.Case Studies Research
2.Macroeconomic Modelling
3.Field Study Reports
4.Marketing Research
5.Data Analysis
6.Operations Research
7.Environmental Impact Assessment etc.
Again, we assist clients with editorial assistance on their write-ups to increase the chances of getting their works acceptable for publication in notable international publishing outlets.
The journey to stardom
begins with taking a step of good decision.
Remember the aphorism that says, ``You are the product of your today's decision``. So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of the opportunity we offer you now to acquire quality information and education for yourself. Please do not hesitate, act fast. We at Mgig awaits you to guide you through making the right decision at very little or no cost. You can call or send mails to any of contacts and you will be glad you did. A trial will convince you.